How to use DeScreen ?
Scan an image using 100 dpi or 300 dpi resolution
Save it in BMP format, 24 bits
Launch DeScreen
Select 300 dpi if you scanned in 300dpi, 100 dpi is the default
If the image if very large (more than 800x600) and you are not willing to wait more than 10 seconds, select the Turbo option
Click on Load Image
Select the scanned image file and click Open
Select the name of the new image created by DeScreen and click Save
Wait until DeScreen processes the image and saves it with the given file name
Quit to quit (!)
Each scanner has its own features. We have tried to come up with a general algorithm. However one may get poor results with some scanners.
Only 24 bits per pixel BMP format is currently supported.
Some users have reported problems when reading some BMP image files.